Christopher Gendron-Artist


Words in Space!
Client: HitPoint, Inc
Platform: iOS
My Role: Creator
Description: This is the game I pitched for HitPoint's first game pitch event to see which game would be the first, in-house, indie title. I wrote the original design document, main story, back story, provided concept art, and won the votes for first indie game for the company to focus on and create. The game went through various stages of art style, gameplay mechanics, and story, but in the end it became a very fun, interactive word game that was very well received when presented at PAX East. Shown here are both the original "classic" version which was what we used as a base for overall testing to see if the game would be well received as a fun experience for users.

We realized the game had great potential and started putting more budget into making the game even more visually appealing while making adjustments to gameplay mechanics as needed from what was learned from the classic version.

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Words in Space!!


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